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“We need to normalise the discussion around male sexual abuse. If we as adults can’t talk about it freely, than how on earth do we expect children to be able to come forward and report it?”

– Ken Clearwater.

Mark Staufer and Neil Harding: The Lost Boys of Dilworth

Auckland’s Dilworth boarding school was set up to to provide education to boys from disadvantaged backgrounds for free. Last year an independent inquiry into sexual and physical abuse at the school uncovered a “catalogue of damage and injustice” spanning more…

Putting the boot in

OPINION: As the ink dries on the Royal Commission’s report in abuse in state care, what must it be like for survivors to witness the Government’s direction on boot camps for young offenders? ‘Boot camps’ serve only one real purpose…

Towards peer-led and person-centred care

When I first plunged back into postgraduate studies, I had no idea it would lead me here – to new perspectives that have unravelled not only my previous academic understandings, but also, understandings of myself, my identity, my intentions, and…